"Holding Gefest"
License № АЦСТ-140-00525
License № АЦСТ-140-00500
License №78-В/0005 to "Kholding Gefest" ltd.as an organisation implementing the following types of activities: inspection of the protected compartment, calculations of fire risks, summary preparation of completing (incompleting) of conditions of protected compartments matching fire safety requirements.
License № П-150-АБ-120 from 30.10.2015 of permission to certain types of works that influence on security of capital construction (composition of inner engineering system, composition of outdoor pipeline system, outdoor gas supply system, mounting and adjusting works), given by SRO "Interregional building union of design engineers of fire protection systems.
License № 0784.04-2010-7814367145-С-003 from 11.12.2014 of permission to works that influence on safety of capital structures including highly dangerous, technically complicated and unique ones (inner engineering systems device, drain external networks device, gas supply external networks device, montage and adjusting works), given by NPO “Saint-Petersburg builders association”.
License of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. MKRF 01461 dated 02/12/2014 to carry out activities to preserve cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
License, which proves, that “Holding Gefest” is an active member of the non-commercial partnership “Saint-Petersburg” builders association”.
License of Federal Security Service Directorate of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region области GP № 0112627 from 09.11.2015 for implementing works using evidences that contain National security information.
License of EMERCOM of Russia № 2-Б/01249 from 10.06.2013 for practicing installation works, technical service and repair of fire safety devices.
Certificate of conformance № RU.229118Q-U from 10.07.2017 (revision date: June 1, 2020) confirms the quality management system in relation to rendering services corresponds to ISO 9001-ISO 9001:2015.
Certificate of conformance № RU003266 from 10.07.2017 (revision date: 20 August, 2020) confirms the quality management system in relation to rendering services corresponds to ISO 9001-ISO 9001:2015.